Pre Gathering Course

Facilitation for Innovation: Inspiring Group Creativity

January 4, 2018  8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Trainers:  Ann Epps and Maureen Jenkins

Facilitation for Innovation is a relatively new ToP course focusing on methods for generating group creativity and innovation. It provides creative, practical, and fun ways to bridge the gap between the contradiction and strategy sections of strategic planning facilitation. Group creativity and innovation methods are much in demand currently as seen by the interest in a Stanford on-line creativity course with 35,000 participants, as well as requests for methods that go beyond creative brainstorm exercises to link to developing new ways of working within an organization.

This course features methods for “Shaking Up the Creative Group Brain;” “Framing and Re-Framing Problems;” and “Developing Innovative Strategies and Prototypes.

The course has been conducted in multiple US cities as well as Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea within the last three years.

This course provides practical, creative methods for facilitating groups/client in strategic planning that inspires new ways of thinking and strategizing for developing innovations in processes; ways of working together; and services offered

Registration Fees:

Facilitation for Innovation

ToP Network Member

Not ToP Network Member

Early Bird (if paid by Nov. 3, 2017 $250.00 $300.00
Regular (if paid between Nov. 4 - December 8, 2017) $300.00 $345.00
Late (if paid after Dec. 9, 2017 to onsite) $345.00 $345.00


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