The ToP Gathering is an event designed to bring members of the ToP Network and ToP practitioners together for three days of laughter, learning, sharing and participation. The term ‘gathering’ means to bring people together or assemble from various places. Gathering represents the spirit of the event better than the definition of a conference, which is an act of conferring or consulting.
This is an intimate event typically bringing together about 125-150 ToP colleagues. In 2021, 2022 and 2023 it was held virtually. Before then, it was held in a different location around the US. We once again were back in person February 2024, meeting in South Carolina. The next Gathering will be virtual and held February 20-22, 2025. Click Here to learn more and register!
Traditional Features of the Gathering Include:
• Learn via a series of workshops and post-courses facilitated by skilled practitioners of participatory methods. Expand your toolbox and learn fresh ways to use ToP methods. • Connect with colleagues from across the U.S. and from around the world. Expand your network of peers and mentors. • Participate during full-group plenary sessions, Open Space and World Cafe and experience ToP methods in a new way. • Share your methods and experiences by presenting in sessions led by participants • Challenge your thinking by participating in Community Issues Sessions • Explore the local area with your colleagues • Engage with Action Teams to shape the work of the ToP Network • Contribute to the network's legacy of more than 50 years of global community and organization development work • ToP Trainers meet for a day of planning to grow and shape the ToP training program
Purpose of a ToP Gathering:
Rational Aims
- Gain valuable insights, knowledge, and resources about the Technology of Participation (ToP) facilitation methods.
- Network with fellow facilitators and ToP trainers to foster collaboration and professional growth.
- Build connections with individuals who share similar interests, locations, or experience with facilitation.
- Observe ToP facilitation methods in action and experience a “meta” ORID process.
- Enhance and refine your facilitation skills.
- Discover innovative ways to apply ToP methods
- Deepen your understanding of design methodologies to improve facilitation outcomes.
- Explore and participate in other facilitation methods and tools, such as Open Space and World Café.
- Engage in meaningful conversations that embrace diverse perspectives and foster shared understanding.
- Participate in discussions about community issues and explore impactful community projects.
Experiential Aims:
- Experience a strong sense of community and deep connection with fellow facilitators and trainers.
- Feel a sense of belonging and assurance of having a valued place in the ToP community.
- Develop greater confidence in understanding and applying ToP methods.
- Strengthen your connection to and support from the ToP Network.
- Participate in the operations and planning processes of the Gathering.
- Feel warmly welcomed to the ToP community and inspired to build lasting friendships.
- Embrace a sense of empowerment and confidence in your facilitation skills and knowledge.
